Interior Architecture

  • 3D,  Buildings,  Interior Architecture

    Cube house

    A Cube house with balconies in the direction of all corners of the world all around. Then you can move one floor up or down during the day and new sun as you find it nice.

    (Unfortunately, it’s not in the optimal quality in the videos, that can be displayed here)

  • 3D,  Buildings

    Puzzle Library

    A library shaped like a puzzle piece, with entrance in a “socket” on the side of the building. This provides a bit of shielding from wind and weather.
    In the “loops” an out bay window is made to sit and rest, play or read in.

    Special furniture built in puzzle form. A seating furniture with cushions and bookshelves.

  • 3D,  Interiors

    Kitchen renovation

    A suggestion for a kitchen renovation.
    Words from and about the couple: Country style, but modern. Favorite animal whale.
    Happy about green. Close to the North Sea and generally the nature. Natural materials. Plenty of room. Old country house.

    3D rendering pictures of the kitchen
    Perspective of the kitchen view
    They live close to the sea and would like to draw in nature in their kitchen. Therefore I went to the beach and took a picture and match colors from there.
    Brass, oak, relaxed green, door, chair
    NCS colors selected
    Material collection for inspiration
  • 3D,  Buildings

    Star buildings

    I have a big love to stars and thus I have worked on buildings with star shapes. Both in horizontal and vertical, on both buildings much more could be done on the details. Here, the focus has been on getting the overall ideas made.

    The horizontal star is more like a normal house in one plan. Each of the five star points have a function and in the middle there is a living room. There are two bedrooms with built-in wardrobes, a bathroom and a kitchen.

    The last point and the one facing the road on the ground is the entrance.To the south-west there is a terrace between the two legs with exit from the kitchen.

    horizontal star outside

    To create light inside the center of the house, windows are placed in the walls into the five rooms and then the middle of the roof is just lifted up in a small glass tower.

    horizontal star inside

    The vertical star is made with open glass sides so it is possible to look into the building.

    vertical star outside 1

    At the top is a roof terrace with a wooden espalier as the top of the star and the last point in the star.One of the star foots is with the entrance and staircase into the building. The other side is for storage and technique for the building.

    vertical star interior 2

    The first floor is the kitchen-dining area, the next floor is with a bedroom and bathroom in the stars arms.

    vertical star interior

    A spiral staircase rises through the floors and binds the floors together.

    vertical star interior 1
  • 3D,  Buildings

    Semicircle house

    This project is another cottage, this time the idea originated from a terrace. Where there would be sun most of the day, but it would still be sheltered from the buildings.

    From this, the idea of a house in a semi-circle came and inside the house most round things have the same angle and the same center in the center of the terrace.

    semicircle outside view

    Floor plan

    semicircle plan

    Some pictures from the inside of the interior.

  • 3D


    Wide doorway with closets around, in smaller homes it gives the possibility of plenty of storage. This is an idea I have thought about and here I have tried to draw it with standard furniture, to give a feel of a living room and a bedroom.

    livingroom view
    Bedroom view
    doorview m door
  • 3D,  Interior Architecture


    A museum’s extension building, I’ve had as an idea and dreamed I’ve walked around in.


    In the video below, I have put some art in which I admire.

  • 3D,  Buildings

    Wooden cottage

    Wooden cottage with a Swedish inspired entrance. Built in entirely wood and thought as a summer house.

    I have seen some Swedish housing programs and my inspiration is therefrom, I have drawn it in ArchiCAD.

    wooden cottage outside

    Some pictures from the inside of the interior.

    Some cross-sectional views of the building.

  • 3D,  Interior Architecture

    Circle buildings

    This project/idea have been about circles and the color circle.

    First, the most important thing was the displacement of circles on top of each other. The offset’s meaning in balconies appearing and supporting column rising. There is a continuous spiral staircase throughout the height of the building, glass walls for transparency.

    Afterwards, the colors and sizes came in, and eventually a dome as a hatch.
    I have made it in three sizes the first one, a small and mini.

  • 3D,  Buildings,  Interior Architecture

    Hexagon house

    Instead of the classic closed four-winged farms, I have drawn a six-winged building, a hexagon.With the possibility of accommodation in the two sides, the entrance gate and the hallway into the building in two others and common rooms in the last two sides oppeside the accommodations.

    hexagon outside
    hexagon open 3D
    goundfloor hexagon