All the rest in general

  • All the rest in general,  Colorful World,  History

    Color vs. Colour

    Color and Colour are diffrent spellings of the same word. The both mean exactly the same thing and both are correct. Color is the preferred spelling in American English, and Colour is preferred in all other English-speaking parts of the world. The word has its roots in the Latin word color.
    I use color most by default, but visually i thing colour looks better.

  • All the rest in general,  Colorful World

    Colorful world

    A collection of knowledge, quotes and inspiration about colors. Color theory and the knowledge behind it is something that has preoccupied me for many years and now I want to gather some of this. Both old knowledge and new I still come across. This is in it’s beginning and more will come over time. But now it started. To see about a specifik color press the tag and all these will show.